The Barging Buddhi and Other Poems—Sunita Thind

This is Sunita Thind’s debut poetry collection. Sunita says ‘As a female, Punjabi, South Indian, British writer, writing has always been a form of escapism from the monotony and pressures of living a dual cultured life. Growing up I did not experience enough cultural voices, especially ones I could identify with from a female, Asian background. People of my age, culture and creed live a biracial sort of existence, in a kind of cultural diaspora between East and West, existing between the expectations of our culture, parents, religion and society. There are a lot of pressures put on women to stay within their cultural norms and community, to marry within their own racial group and follow stricter rules so as not to dishonour the family…Mental health and women’s issues like: menstruation, sex, sexuality and misogynistic ideology among other things are not openly talked about among family members and these are prevalent themes within the collection.’

The launch via Zoom of ‘The Barging Buddhi and Other Poems’  took place in April 2020. Sunita described it as ‘exotically intoxicating!’

Later in the year we hope there will be a book launch at the Quad Derby – be sure to come along and get your book signed by Sunita!
Entry will be free of charge—voluntary donations to a Ovarian Cancer Charity (as she is a survivor of this) and some Indian food bites—free on a first come-first serve basis.

Sunita Thind - front cover.jpg

£7.00 +P&P

UK customers can pre-order their copy here: buy-now-paypal

Non-UK customers can pre-order their copy here: buy-now-paypal